Free AI Detector

AI Writing
AI Detection
SEO Optimization is a website that offers a free AI content detection tool, which uses AI to create blog content and scale content production. The tool has been trained on data from billions of pages and can accurately predict the most likely word choices that lead to a higher probability of AI detection, including GPT-3 and ChatGPT. The website also provides other AI tools, such as Writer. Some search engines may penalize rankings if they detect AI content, and this tool can be used to check for such issues.

Key Features

  • Accurate AI content detection
  • User-friendly interface
  • Fast result generation
  • SEO optimization support
  • Comprehensive suite of AI tools


Free Plan Available

Starting from Free

User Ratings & Reviews

5.0(954,131 reviews)

About Free AI Detector

The Free AI Detector by is an innovative tool designed to help users identify AI-generated content. Leveraging advanced algorithms trained on billions of web pages, this tool can accurately predict the likelihood of content being flagged as AI-generated, particularly from models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT. This is crucial for content creators and marketers who want to ensure their work is not penalized by search engines for using AI-generated text. The tool is user-friendly and provides quick results, making it an essential resource for anyone involved in content production. Additionally, offers a suite of other AI tools, including a writing assistant, enhancing the overall content creation process. The Free AI Detector is particularly beneficial for SEO optimization, as it helps maintain the integrity of content and improves search engine rankings by ensuring that the content is human-like and engaging.